App development
Tinky is more than just a search platform. Its a trusted community where transparency and security are a priority.
We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to deliver the best value to our customers. The primary way we do this is by focusing solutions on product design and development.
App development
Tinky is more than just a search platform. Its a trusted community where transparency and security are a priority.
App development
The ultimate manga application
Minga is an innovative application that allows you to read and create manga with total freedom. Its user system gives you access to a community passionate about this art, where you can share your works, discover new talents and learn from other artists.
Web development
Empowering skills, dismantling barriers
My passion for movement and teaching led me to explore different disciplines such as yoga, acroyoga and handstand. By sharing my knowledge with others, I realized the need for an educational platform specialized in these areas. Thus was born MoodMuv, a virtual space where people from all over the world can access high quality online classes.
Blockchain development
Unseal is the NFT platform where users can mint and exchange NFTs of their own digital artwork, allowing them to compete for the best artwork on the market.
We built out the blockchain infrastructure that supports Unseal.